How To Improve Your Essay Writing – 2021 guide

Writing an essay can often be a difficult task for students. Whether the essay is for a college admission, scholarship or homework, many students find the task stressful.
There are many steps a student can take that will help break down the tasks into manageable parts.
What’s difficult is turning those words into sentences that really express the ideas you’re trying to convey. There are times when words never come out. You’ll write a sentence then delete it because it probably doesn’t sound right.
Writing is all about communicating ideas to others, whereas essay writing is something you’re trying to convey to an individual or a few people.
If you want to become a good essay writer, I’ll be listing some of the important steps for you on how to improve your essay writing, which I guarantee if you follow you’ll see a drastic change in your essay writing.

1. Choose a topic
You’re probably given a topic to write or may have given the freedom to write on the subject of your choice.
If you’re given a topic, you have less work to do as the main step is to find a unique essay subject. You should think about the type of paper that you want to produce. It can be a general overview of the specific subject.
However, if you’ve not been assigned a topic, this gives you a chance to choose a topic of your own, of your own interest. You’ll have to do the research accordingly to the essay as it can be an informative or persuasive essay.
You’ll have to do some research on the topic you chose before you get to writing. Choose something that you’ve studied as it’ll be easy for you to write about it. If your goal is to persuade, I’d suggest writing about something you’re very passionate about. It really doesn’t matter what the topic is as long you’re interested in it.

2. Introduction
Now that you’re done with your thesis, now you must write an introduction of the subject you chose to write about. This part is very important as if the introduction is boring, the reader won't read the whole thing.
The introduction should attract the reader’s attention and show the subject of your essay. Begin with something that will grab the reader’s attention. Use shocking information or just write a simple summary about your topic.

3. Write the body
The body of your essay basically describes your topic. Every main thing that you wrote will become a separate section within the body of your essay.
Each paragraph should have the same structure. Start by giving a small introduction about one of your main ideas, and then just support the idea with small sentences (maximum 3-4 lines). And then give detailed examples to support your sentences.
Fill in these spaces with relative information that will help link your idea together.

4. Conclusion
Conclusion brings closure of the essay and sums up all the ideas you wrote, giving some final words on your topic. It should consist of four to five strong sentences in which you will be reviewing your main ideas.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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