Your browsing history can give away a lot about your personal life, and therefore, advertisers, hackers, and even government agencies may be interested in your browsing history. By putting your traffic through an encrypted tunnel between you and anybody attempting to spy on you, a VPN offers an extra degree of security to your online activity.
Why do you need a VPN service?
Have you ever received an inappropriate pop-up at the most inconvenient of times? It is uncanny to imagine that someone out there is watching your browser history and every web search you are making online. Marketers will argue that the data is only used for advertising purposes only, but it can be a severe privacy violation, especially if your data gets leaked.
A VPN protects you from all these by establishing an encrypted connection by routing it through a secure VPN server. You can browse the internet as you normally would, but outside observers (such as an internet service provider) won't be able to see or trace what you're doing. You can also access locked content from different parts of the world using a VPN service.
Why should I use a VPN at home?
A VPN's primary function is to provide security and privacy, but there are other instances when a VPN can be an excellent tool for your home:
Protection from cybercriminals
With technology making our lives easier by the day, cybercriminals are devising new methods to infiltrate our lives. In this digital age, when our lives are connected by IoT devices, security and privacy are just as important as ease of access.
According to the Washington Post, 77% of households currently have a smart device connected to them, making them susceptible to online threats. When you use a VPN, you make it much more difficult for hackers to access your personal data. They won't be able to decrypt your data even if they use network hacking or MITM attacks to target your devices.
Get around firewalls and network limitations.
No one wants to be limited by the restrictions imposed by governments or companies like Hulu or Netflix. You can try VPN for free to unlock a world of possibilities by masking your activities and allowing you to slip through firewalls.
One important thing to note is that some VPNs are susceptible to connection failures, exposing your activities for a brief period of time. This can expose your identity and may put your privacy at risk. That is why surfshark has a Kill Switch built-in. If your data isn't adequately protected, this function instantly disconnects your internet connection and only reconnects after your VPN is operational again.
Protection from government surveillance
ISPs and hackers aren't the only ones who care about what you do on the internet. Following the 2013 Snowden revelations, it has been discovered that NSA surveillance is significantly more widespread than previously thought. An outside observer will find it far more difficult to link your web traffic to you if you use a VPN. However, keep in mind that there are a variety of different methods to be followed online, and a VPN may not protect you from all of them.
Bottom line: Do I really need a VPN at home?
Yes, in a world that is driven by data, it is of significant importance to protect your privacy using a VPN at your home. Popular VPNs in the market like surfshark VPN do not compromise on speed and stability and provide military-grade protection. Therefore, getting a VPN makes the most sense if you are really concerned about your online privacy.