More About Blockchain Technology And The Main Reasons Why It Has Gained Popularity

The blockchain is an inventive creation by a group of people or person that is known as a pseudonym, Satoshi Nakamoto. However, since then, it has progressed into something much better. But many may ask.

 What Is Blockchain Exactly?

By letting digital data to be dispersed instead of copied, blockchain technology generated the backbone of a fresh kind of internet. It was originally invented for the digital currency, referred to as Bitcoin blockchain, (Buy Bitcoin) the technical community discovered other probable uses for this technology. In this post, we’ll be telling you a bit more and why this technology is unique.

What Is A Blockchain?

In the simplest of terms, a blockchain is a series of time-stamped irreversible data records which is managed by a cluster of PCs not owned by a singular entity. Every block of data is secured and joined to each other utilizing cryptographic principles (for example, chain).

But what is so special about block chain and why is it referred to as having industry-disrupting abilities? The block chain system does not have a central authority – it’s the very classification of a democratized network. Since it is an immutable and shared ledger, the information contained in it is accessible to anyone and everyone can see it. Hence, anything that is created on the block chain is visible and everyone that is involved is responsible for their actions. Also check this post on how Australian Securities delays blockchain rollout because of Covid-19.

A Blockchain Conducts No Transaction Fees

It has infrastructure cost, but it carries no transaction cost. The blockchain is a modest, yet resourceful method of passing data from point A to B via a fully automated and safe means. The one party to the transaction begins the process by generating a block.

This block is corroborated by thousands, or maybe millions of PCs across the net. The confirmed block is then added to a chain, that is stored across the web, generating not just an individualized record, but one with a unique history. Fabricating a single record would mean an entire chain is falsified in millions of occurrences. This is virtually unachievable. Bitcoin utilizes this model for its monetary transactions;however, it can be implemented in various other ways.

How Can This Affect Entrepreneurs?

A good example would be a railway company. We purchase tickets on the application or the internet. The credit card agency takes a percentage for conducting the transaction. With blockchains, not only does the railway company save on credit card processing costs, it can transfer the whole ticket process to the blockchain. Both parties involved in the transaction are the passenger and railway company.

The ticket is basically the block, which is then added to the ticket blockchain. Just like any monetary transaction is unique, unfalsifiable, and independently verifiable on the blockchain, so can the ticket be. Parenthetically, the final ticket blockchain would also be the record for all transactions that involve a specific train route or the complete train network, comprising each ticket ever sold, and each journey taken. However, the most predominant factor here is, it’s free. Not only can money be transferred and stored on the blockchain, but it can replace all business models and processes that depend on charging a fee on every transaction. Or any other transaction that transpires between two parties. Remember that transactions on the blockchain have no transaction fees.

You can basically charge any amount on anything without being worried about any third parties taking a portion of your profits. Blockchain also makes the selling of recorded music a more profitable venture again for artists since music companies and distributors such as Spotify or Apple are eliminated out of the equation. Music that can be bought could be encoded to the block chain itself as well, making it cloud archived for songs purchased. This is because the chargeable amounts are so minimal, streaming and subscription services would become irrelevant. The same applies to eBooks that can be fitted with blockchain code. Instead of a brand like Amazon cutting into profits and the credit card agency making money on the sale, the books can be distributed in encoded medium and a successful blockchain transaction can transfer the cash to the author and also unlock the book. All monies are transferred to the author, and not just the royalties. This can be done on a book review website, for example Goodreads, or on your own if you have a website. The marketplace Amazon would then be unnecessary.

Successful reiterations can even entail reviews and other third-party particulars about a book. These applications become more obvious in the financial world because they are so imminent. Blockchains can influence how stock exchanges operate, loans get bundled and insurances contracted. They can eliminate bank accounts and just about all services provided by banks. Almost every financial agency could go bankrupt or be compelled to change essentially, once the benefits of a safe ledger technology deprived of transaction fees are broadly understood and used. After all, financial systems are built on charging consumers a small portion of the money for the privilege of them facilitating the transaction. Banks will no longer be used for keeping money safe but rather for offering advice. Stockbrokers would no longer earn commissions and the buy/sell spread will fall away.

How Does Blockchain Operate?

Imagine a spreadsheet which is duplicated a thousand times over across a network of PCs. Now imagine the network is created to frequently update the spreadsheet, and you’ll have a simple understanding of how the blockchain works. Information kept on the blockchain subsists as a shared and continuously reconciled database. The database is not stored within a singular location, which means the records are kept public and verifiable easily. There is no centralized version containing information that a hacker can corrupt.

The Top Reasons Why Blockchain Has Earned So Much Admiration Is Because:

  •         It is decentralized and not owned by a singular entity.
  •         Data is stored cryptographically inside.
  •         The block chain is unchallengeable; therefore the data that is captured in the blockchain can’t be tampered with.
  •         The block chain is translucent; therefore the data can be tracked by whoever wants to.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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