Everything You Need To Know About NCERT Books

NCERT’s short form for the National Council Of Educational Research and Training is the government organization that encourages education to students through better frameworks and effective communication.

It not only works as an individual unit but generally looks forward to supporting and collaborating with other international organizations, foreign departments, and local organizations too, to promote the goals of Universalization. Some of the major constituents of NCERT units are located in several regions of the country, like-

  • National Institute of Education (NIE), New Delhi
  • Central Institute of Educational Technology (CIET), New Delhi
  • Pandit Sundarlal Sharma Central Institute of Vocational Education (PSSCIVE), Bhopal
  • Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Ajmer
  • Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Bhopal
  • Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Bhubaneswar
  • Regional Institute of Education (RIE), Mysore
  • North-East Regional Institute of Education (NERIE), Shillong

These units enable the organization to gain full control of the education system, no matter what the location is.

NCERT pays a lot of attention to the type of education they are spreading. This is the reason why NCERT has many publications under them to print what they accurately need to. With clear understandings and high standards, NCERT books are made to satisfy everyone’s budget easily.

Due to this, every class from 1st to 12th has books according to their syllabus. These made a total of 246 textbooks containing different subjects and different classes. Some of the famous book series of NCERT are-

  • Rimjhim
  • Marigold
  • Garith Ka Jadu
  • Vasant
  • Honey Dew

The books published have many benefits that you’ll find throughout the study journey. However, there are many visible benefits too, like-

1.  Easy Understanding

One of the unique characteristics of NCERT books is their simplicity. It's a matter of surprise, how they explain such complex concepts with so much ease. Because of simplicity, many students doubt the quality of content they share. After the realization of its quality NCERT books became the study tool for them and ed-tech Vedantu NCERT Solutions are accurate and preferred by a few students. Moreover, this is most helpful in revision times when there is a lack of time and you still need to cover a vast syllabus.

2.  Recommended for CBSE Exam

There is a reason why NCERT is preferred over other reference books. By observing the exam pattern, you will find that most of the questions are just copy and paste from the NCERT textbooks. There are even some questions that can be easily predicted and will help you to gain complete marks. It is highly recommended to go for NCERT Exemplar for every subject. The majority of the teachers will agree with withe fact that these two books can help you to score above 80% without any sweat. All you need to go through with the books thoroughly

3.  Strictly follows the CBSE Guidelines

NCERT doesn’t include unnecessary extra content, which is not even important from CBSE’s perspective. This is another most conspicuous explanation, why NCERT books end up being of incredible use to understudies. These books carefully hold fast to the CBSE educational plan because of which NCERT books are adequate enough as the material they contain structures the base for board tests as well as for serious tests like IIT JEE too. NCERT printed materials help to frame the base for getting ready for the board assessments as the question papers in CBSE board are set by the recommended prospectus of the subject.

4.  Not Limited to School Studies

This shows how much expertise NCERT books are made. The syllabus which these books contain is suitable for many other competitive exams also like- UPSC, NDA, AFCAT, and even for college entrance examinations.

Students can easily pass with good marks even if only they have relied on NCERT. Unfortunately, this is not the scenario for many students. They just get distracted by other lengthy reference books and lead them to a pitfall. One should only touch other books when he has deeply gone with the NCERT books twice, at least.

NCERT books are made with high comprehension, problem-solving, analytical skills. By publishing a book for every class, it ensures that students are getting a competitive education. These issues are not intended to serve simply as an inquiry bank for assessments but are essentially intended to improve the nature of instructing and learning in schools. Understudies can profit themselves by endeavoring the activities given in the book for self-evaluation and in acing the fundamental procedures of critical thinking.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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