Websites that work can be illusive unless you know exactly what you want out of the site. How do you want it to perform? As your business card where it gives an overview of your achievements or a place where clients can come to order your product or services, take a class or obtain information? For most realtors, their website is the landing place for prospects and clients to come and be a part of your enterprise.
But first, there are a few steps to take to design a website that informs and engages, communicates well and promotes new followers.
How to Drive the Traffic on website?
The first step is to attract traffic to the site. You have to answer where the traffic will come from. If you are active on social media, then you should be attaching your website address to every post that you make. Simple curiosity will cause people to click on the address and go to your website. Once there, they fill out a form for further discovery of your site and you now have captured a lead.
Write a blog for your website using the most searched words on Google and your website/blog page position will move to page one. When researching a subject, people will find you on that first page and click on it and go to your website. Again, more traffic. Then, buy an ad.
Buy an ad on Google, Facebook or any other site that allows ads. Keep the ads simple with you website header and address and more people will click on it and immediately be sent to your website. Post often on social media. Buys ads consistently.
And write a blog at least once or twice a week (use guest writers to relieve the burden!). Keep a calendar/planner for all of your activities so that you can refer to the subject matter that was written or posted and then plan for new topics in the future.
Why you should you share your blog post on Social media?
When you write a blog and after you have posted it on your website, share the page address on all of your social media sites. When people come to your blog page, create a popup box that has them fill out their contact information.
This can be done so that it pops up before they can read the blog further or it can be designed to come up when they have scrolled down to the bottom of the page. It is absolutely necessary to have a way to capture leads on your page and the blog page is perfect as the “landing page” for social media. Make sure that each new blog has the popup attached.
Each time you write a blog, it is like designing a new page. Too often, if you bring a reader to your homepage as the landing page, they won’t convert into leads. They will read your cover information and simply move on. If you bring them to your blog, it is because they are looking for information and will read your blog. This is the best location for the popup lead generator.
Website should be Mobile friendly
In today’s mobile world, you have to make sure that your website converts well to phones. And, your lead capture needs to work in this format also. Because most people search for homes first on the internet and they are doing that search on their phones (for many, the phone is their only computer) your site needs to be phone friendly.
You will need a mobile responsive website which means that it is designed to fit into the space of a phone or tablet. Lead capture and landing pages need to be designed to fit into the same space.
Your telephone number will have to have a prominent position in your mobile site so that they can immediately contact you with just a click on your “call me” button. This button should be placed in the design of your header.
Auto response texting is a task that should be considered. With so many platforms for posting links to your website, it could get overwhelming to attempt to call each person when they respond. Setting up a auto response text system allows you to send a text confirming that you received their information and inquiry.
The ideal situation is to respond to all within 5 minutes so that you don’t lose out on a qualified lead. Auto texting will help. There are several texting programs that will automatically tell you when a new lead has come through your site. In turn, the app will automatically send that lead a message. And the conversation begins!
How to convert the lead in business?
As the leads begin to pour in, you need to be ready for them. Organization is essential for fluidity of response and management. Developing a system that will automatically categorize the leads will make all aspects of your business run smoothly.
You want to convert these leads and stay continuously in touch with your contacts.You need to have your customer relationship management system (CRM) connected to your website. There are tools that will connect your leads from your website to your management system.
These will allow you to put different leads into different lists, files and tags. It allows you to take the traffic you have going to your site and put them into lead capture funnels.
The most important part of getting people to come to your website is to get them engaged. They saw something of interest about you in your postings on social media and they ventured over to your site for more information.
Social media is a key to getting leads. When posting on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, create a buzz! Post fantastic pictures, interesting one liners and a combination of both. Place “share” icons on your website so that visitors can share your pictures or content.
Use your logo in the pictures and your website address in your postings. And when posting, post the same content and pictures at the same time on every social media site you have. Consistency drives the numbers and your placement on Google.
Importance of calls to action button website
Your website should have distinct calls to action. You will pass along the information you have if the visitor will share their information and become a part of your online community.
These calls to action can be done with a sidebar on your page that takes them to a landing page with the information they are looking for. Use keywords in your blog regarding the main subject.
These words are the same ones that people look for in their Google search. The more popular the word the quicker you move up in Google and the more people will travel to your website seeking the information.
When setting up the basics of each of your pages on your website, keep in mind certain features that will help you succeed in getting leads. One thousand or more words plus photos are basic requirements. Listing pages should have not only pictures but videos with their descriptions.
Headers should be the same throughout with an add on for each page’s subject description. Lead capture boxes should appear as often as they make sense. And the overall design should be upgraded fairly often. Design is an ever changing factor in all business and your website is just like your street front office.
Probably the most important part of setting up a website is having patience. It takes time and energy to cultivate a lead. Rarely does someone make it to your website and immediately signs up for your services. Statistics say that there has to be 10 visits to your social media sites and website before they are willing to give their personal contact information.
You must go through the steps of building your value, constantly engaging with comments and invitations and sharing and sharing and sharing. Then, finally, they fill out the forms and become your much sought after lead!
The key to spreading your online visibility and establishing business credibility is a well-built website that reflects your products and services in an organized, modern, and aesthetically pleasing design. We at Everest Direct Mail and Marketing, can help you boost your online presence by creating an original website, fit to your business’ specific needs. We know that no two businesses are alike – so we won’t just throw your content into a basic pre-created template.
Our experienced web designers will work with you to make sure each page reflects your products, services, and anything else you’d like to include. We guarantee we’ll provide you with a website you will be proud of, that reflects your professionalism, pride, and hard work you put into your business. We are also working to create the guide for logo design that logo design ideas will help you design a logo.
Author: Admin
Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.