Getting a job nowadays requires a lot more than just a degree. With technologies rapidly evolving, college programs can't keep up with the latest innovations. The good news is that there are plenty of affordable certification & career self assessment options out there that can give you the skills you need to kick-start your next career..
The first thing to consider when looking for certifications is their long-term value. While some courses may be able to be completed in less than three months, many of the programs offer value that can correlate to years of work.
Consider the field you want to enter and research specific positions. Job listings are actually a useful tool for students as the general requirements and responsibilities help you create a curriculum that will get you where you want to go.
If you aren't sure where to start yet, check out these certifications that can be done entirely online and will give you some sharp new skills that will spice up your software developer resume and put you on the path toward a new job.
Microsoft Web API Certification
If web development is your goal, then Microsoft Web API certification is a good option to consider. You'll learn how to use Microsoft Azure, a cloud-computing service responsible for developing a variety of web-based applications and services across a global network of Microsoft data centers.
There are many different types of Microsoft certifications available for you. The hard part is figuring out what certification you should go after to achieve your goals. In order to become a certified pro, you'll have to pass four multiple-choice exams based off your concentration.
Google Analytics Certification
Google Analytics is widely used and essential for anyone who wants to work as a web analyst or website manager. Google Analytics certification is entirely free and 100-percent online. You can start a career in digital marketing with the help of the official Analytics Academy. Throughout the program, which is broken down into four courses, you can learn the ins and outs of Google's measurement tools and how to identify the most meaningful takeaways from intelligent data to reach business objectives.
Amazon AWS Certified Developer
This associate-level certification will teach you to design and develop programs based on Amazon's AWS platform. You can start things off with over 150 free digital training videos, and if you decide to move forward, classroom training near you with an accredited AWS instructor is available.
Puppet Labs Developer
Big businesses like the New York Times and and Cisco used Puppet IT to manage their infrastructures. If you love being a part of the inner-workings of an organization, earning your Puppet Developer certification can help you become proficient in the Ruby-based scripting language.
Treehouse Web Development
From HTML and CSS to programming languages like Python and Ruby on Rails, Treehouse has a ton of courses that offer certification and experience to help you get a job as a web developer. Content is updated regularly and a subscription plan gives you access to step-by-step video tutorials and help from an instructor.
TEFL (Teaching English as a foreign language) is a much sought-after profession as it is flexible for people to work from home or travel abroad. The Coivd-19 pandemic has caused many people to change careers due to redundancies and being restricted to their homes. English tutoring jobs provide people with a great avenue to earn money whilst working from home. A TEFL certificate also gives you the opportunity to travel and work in foreign places like Asia and South America. Many people have been undertaking TEFL courses in anticipation of travel opening soon. There are many opportunities available, but we recommend you get certified with the right qualification. A level 5 TEFL qualification is the highest level you can achieve. This will give you the best chance of landing a great TEFL opportunity.
Author: Admin
Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.