The Best Stock Market Investment Guide for Beginners

For years, the stock market used to be a rich man’s game.

Now, anyone with a few hundred dollars can invest in the stock market. A lot of people miss out on this opportunity just because they don’t know how to invest.

In this article, there will be the basic process of investing and then, we’ll give you some handy, necessary tips so that you don’t end up losing all of your money.

Let’s start with some basic concepts! 

Basic Concepts:

❖  What are Stocks?

When you buy a stock, you buy a piece of a company. You only want to buy good stocks because the more the company is worth, the more your stock (or share) is worth it.

The theory is simple. You buy good stocks to make money, and you buy bad stocks to risk losing money.

❖  Is the Stock Market Risky?

It depends on your intention and approach.

The stock market is not a place to gamble. It is not a scheme to get you rich quick. It is a place where you invest your money and play fair games, and your money makes you money.

It is a part of a business. The company whose stock you have chosen to buy is doing business, and you are a part of it. If the company is profitable (well, that is the reason you have bought their share, right?), you get a part of it.

All you need is to be able to study the company’s business strategy and decide if this is going to bring some profit. It is that simple.

❖  How Do You Get Started?

A brokerage account first needs to be opened. A brokerage account is a website or an app that you can use to buy or sell stocks. You probably have heard of TD Ameritrade, E-trade, Fidelity, and so many more like them. They are the places where you can look to open a brokerage account.

It’s really easy. You just open up an account and set up your bank account to transfer the money. This straightforward way enables you to buy and sell stocks.

Once the money from your bank account transfers to your brokerage account, you have funding, and you are going to be good to start trading.

StocksReviewed article on Tech Royalties investments can help you specifically decide on what your steps should be like in this stage.

❖  What Do You Do After Buying a Stock?

You simply hold on to it and wait for the price to go up. You can sell it whenever you want.

Your goal is to buy a stock at a low price and sell it at a high price. Buy low and sell high. That’s the business.

❖  How Do You Take Money from The Brokerage Account?

You do the reverse job of adding money to it. The money needs to be transferred to your bank account from the brokerage account.

❖  Anything More?

At the end of the year, you will receive a 1099-B tax form. That is just a summary of your investment activity. You are going to take the 1099-B to report that on your personal income tax return. If you're unsure of this process, find an expert to help you file taxes.

Now, we’ve got some great tips for you!

Special Tips for Beginners

Tip 1: Understand their Business

The first thing that you must do is buy stocks that you understand, as well as those that can make you make the most money. By deciding to follow CheckMan link, you will be able to see a list of the trending stocks that can earn you money and those that could lose you money. From here, you will have a clearer idea about which ones will be the best to invest your money in for the best outcome. 

For example, you like Toyota vehicles. You think that their cars are great and they are going to have a great future. Google could be another example. If you think that they are going to do something revolutionary and their Pixel phone is going to reign over the future phone market, you can buy their shares.

You cannot buy Chipotle's share, however, even if it’s doing better than other stocks if you don’t have any idea about their business.

The bottom line is that you have to have a clear understanding of whose shares you are going to buy, what they sell, and why their future seems bright.

Tip 2: Do the Comparison

You need to understand how the stock is doing relative to the markets. If just the stock is up 12% for the year, you can’t say, ‘Oh! the stock’s doing great!’ Why? If your stock is up 12%, and the general market is up 18%, what do you think about that? Is it really performing well?

Of course, not!

You need to take into consideration how the stock of your target is doing to the relative market.

The opposite side is also true. If the stock is down 4% for the year, you don’t need to be disappointed if the general market has a 7% fall. In that case, you’ve made a good investment choice because it hasn’t fallen as much as its competitors.

Tip 3: Buy in Over Time

Let’s suppose you have $5000. It’s not recommended to invest all $5000 at once.

Buy into the market with a piecemeal approach. Invest the money over time. Take a portion of your paycheck, whatever percentage it is, and keep buying into the market with that. Whether you think the market is overvalued or undervalued, continuously keep putting in a part of your paycheck every month into the stock market. Don’t just go all in at once.

When you invest all your money, if the market happens to be at the bottom, you are lucky. On the other hand, if the market is at ‘all-time highest,’ you’re a loser, and the whole process becomes a gamble.

That’s why investing bit by bit makes sense. You get a chance to observe the market trends and decide if you’d invest more or wait for the best time to draw your money back at the first chance before the market falls more.

Tip 4: Remember about Taxes

People have this misconception that if you have a gain and if you leave the money in the brokerage accounts then you don’t have to pay taxes on it.

If you sell your stock for a gain and still have the money at the brokerage account, it’s still taxable; it’s going to show up on the 1099-B. You cannot escape it.

Therefore, you just have to take into consideration that you’re going to pay taxes on it. Moreover, if you sell your position for a gain and you hold it for less than a year, you’re going to be paying a higher tax rate. If you hold your stock for more than a year and sell it, that is a long-term capital gain. In such a case, you’re going to be paying at a much better tax rate.

Tip 5: Control Your Emotions

You need to be well disciplined. Some people cannot control their emotions and keep looking at their apps once an hour or more frequently.

The stock market is not a cricket match that will give you updates of possible boundaries and dismissals every minute.

Quick decisions are almost always bad decisions. You need to control your emotions—excitements, and disappointments—when your shares get super high or super low. Bad decisions might persuade you to buy or sell shares at an inappropriate time. After selling at a good price, you might find that the shares were going even higher. Or, during a fall, after selling your shares at a loss, you might find things have started to look up.

Tip 6: Diversify

Whatever profitable company you’ve invested in and no matter how safe you think that is, the bare reality is that it could crash at any time. It could be subject to litigation, or it may suffer a commercial recession, and you might find that your wheel of profit has come to a standstill at any time.

To avoid it, you need to spread out your money over multiple investments to have a balanced portfolio.

Final Words

In the vast world of investing, there are no shortcuts, only tricks, and clever steps. All you need to do is to study some more, keep your eyes open, and gather as much experience as you can.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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