PDF Bear: 3 Helpful Tools That You Can Access

There are many online tools that people can use to manage their PDF files, but only PDF Bear can offer different features and a secure process. Aside from those facts, you can also use this tool without spending money. You can merge, split, compress, convert, repair, and edit PDF files the way you want it. With that, here are some helpful tools that PDF Bear can offer.

Merging PDF Files

If you want the easiest and fastest method to merge a lot of PDF files to one PDF file, PDF Bear is the best tool. The instructions are quite easy to follow, and with few clicks, you can merge even thousands of PDF files. PDF Bear is also the top tool there is in the marketplace. So here’s how you can merge PDF files:

  1. Choose the data or use the “Drag & Drop” method to combine your files using this PDF merger.
  2. Wait for the process of merging your files in a single PDF file.
  3. If needed, modify the data. When you’re done, select the “Combine” button.
  4. Download your data to your computer or share the PDF file on Dropbox or Google Drive.

PDF Converter

The best thing about PDF Bear is that it doesn’t store any files on its system. After the upload,  all user files are deleted in the server in one hour. User contents are only exclusive to themselves. The PDF converter works in two ways. You can convert from and to PDF. With that help of PDF Bear, files can be converted to formats like PowerPoint, Excel, and Word. Users can also convert to PDFs from formats like GIF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, PPT, Excel, or Word. If you want to convert your files, here’s how to do it:

  1. Select the data that you want to upload to PDF Bear’s converter from the smartphone or PC.
  2. The tool will detect your files automatically and convert them to formats that you want.
  3.  When the data is ready, proceed and download it.
  4. If necessary, you can still compress or edit your PDF file.

Rotate PDF

Rotating your PDF files, whether it’s only one or many, is more comfortable with PDF Bear. Its display features are easy to operate, and it allows users to rotate their files instantly and apply the change. And if you want to learn this process, here are the simple steps:

  1. Use the “Drag and Drop” method or pick the PDF file you wish to rotate.
  2. After that, the circular arrow will appear and will help you rotate your PDF files.
  3. When you are done choosing the right angle for the data, tap the “Apply” button.
  4. Once the process is finished in the cloud, users can now start sharing their PDFs or download them.


Now that you know some of the essential PDF Bear tools, you might want to use it right away. PDF Bear allows its users also to compress, split, and repair their PDF files. They can also extract or delete the pages from a PDF. Unlike the other online tools, PDF Bear is easy to use, and anyone can access it for free.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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