5 Simple Tips to Stay Safe on Public WiFi

As tempting as it might be, connecting to public WiFi networks is not the most excellent idea if you care about online security (which you should).

 Free internet networks usually come with a catch. You either have to sign up for an open network and provide your email, location, and other important info. Or you can connect to a network and face the risk of data exposure. Either way, using public networks can backfire on you really fast. With that in mind, here are five simple tips on how to stay safe when using public WiFi.

1  Be Careful When Using Public WiFi

If you don’t have any other choice but to connect to a public network, be careful what activities you choose to do. For example, if you need to send a quick message or to check the news, you can use the public network and hope for the best.

Make sure never to take any sensitive action while connected to an unprotected WiFi network. It includes online shopping, checking your security cameras, or doing anything related to financial data. Wait until you connect to safer networks to complete those tasks.

2  Use Browser Extensions

Using browser extensions such as ad blockers is another way to increase your online safety and browsing experience. Extensions serve as efficient tools for preventing various threats from reaching your device.

If you look up security browser extensions, you will find many solutions to recognize suspicious sites and detect malware. One browser extension worth mentioning is Disconnect. This tool will

protect you from same-network attacks such as session hijacking. This extension can help you keep your device safe while connected to a public network.

3  Use a VPN

Once you connect to an open network, your IP address and other relevant information will be available to anyone using the same WiFi. If you’re asking what my IP is, it’s a unique address of your device that can protect from security attacks and breaches.

The best way to protect your smartphone or computer while connected to an open network is to use a VPN and replace your real address with a virtual one. That way, all your data, and online traffic will be completely encrypted and hidden from any third party.

4  Keep the Antimalware Software Up to Date

Regardless of whether you tend to use public networks or not, you should always have an antimalware software running on your device. There are many kinds of antimalware programs available both for computers and mobile devices. It is vital to keep these programs running to ensure threat detection and timely prevention of security attacks.

Some security programs have special features that can detect untrusted networks and send warnings when your data are at risk. So, make sure to opt for the paid versions to get the best out of their potential.

5  Turn WiFi Off When Not in Use

Always remember to turn WiFi off when you are not using it. Most users forget to turn their WiFi off when leaving the house, putting their data and devices at risk.

Since smartphones can automatically detect and connect to open networks when WiFi is activated, your data could be exposed to risks without you even knowing about it. That is why it is best to keep the WiFi turned off when you are not using it, so you can control who has access to your personal information.

Practice Regular Security Measures

Using public and unprotected networks do not fall into the category of regular security measures. It is one of the worst mistakes you can make trying to avoid cybersecurity issues. While it doesn’t mean that something terrible can happen every time you connect a device to a public network, doing so frequently is not worth the risk.

Consider getting a prepaid data plan for all your internet needs when you’re on the go. That way, you won’t feel the need to use the WiFi at Starbucks or the local airport ever again. A good VPN and regular security measures such as security check-ups will help you prevent threats and data breaches before it is too late.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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