Nearly everyone these days are just as dependent on their high speed internet service connection as a utility as they are their water or electricity. While most can't just switch their water or electric provider, they can switch internet providers.
Some of the most common reasons why people switch internet providers are due to unhappiness; whether it's the cost of their bill or inconsistent service, they're simply unhappy and ready for change. Here are 10 of the most common reasons why people switch internet providers.
1. A Sudden Price Increase
Receiving an unexpected bill increase can be extraordinarily stressful, especially in times like these where the unemployment rate has soared sky high due to the coronavirus. Even before the rising unemployment rate and the coronavirus, not everyone can afford a sudden price increase, even if it’s only $5 or $10 dollars more a month. When negotiating for a better price fails, it’s understandable that people switch internet providers to someone else they can afford.
2. Internet Speeds Have Been Slow Or Inconsistent
No one likes the feeling of getting ripped off and inconsistent internet speeds can make anyone feel this way. When you pay for a specific internet speed to do everything you love online and then can’t because the internet speeds aren’t living up to what you pay for, it is a problem. Many resort to simply switching internet providers out of frustration and distrust to another provider they feel will hold up their end of the deal.
3. Experiences Regular Service Outages
Now more than ever, people are working remotely and attending classes online with no signs of it slowing down anytime soon. A service outage here and there is quickly a major problem for those so financially dependent on their internet connection, but regular service outages are inexcusable and can only be remedied by switching providers. When you have to work or get an assignment in on time and can’t, it’s no wonder people panic switch.
4. Capped Data Plans
Internet plans with data limits are becoming increasingly problematic with entire families staying home due to the coronavirus and stay at home orders in some states. Many people are taking this new found free time at home as an opportunity to catch up on their favorite shows, play online games with their friends or socialize with their families.
Limited data plans make it difficult for large families when there isn’t enough data to go around the whole household. Why pay nearly the same amount for internet service that’s capped when you can go with the competitor’s data cap free internet instead?
5. Found A Better Promotional Offer Elsewhere
If you find yourself in the position to need to pinch pennies, it’s understandable that you’re looking over your family’s expenses with a fine tooth comb. Even though internet service has quickly become a necessity, it isn't exempt from budget scrutiny. Sometimes making the switch to a better promotional offer now with similar speeds and service with, say, the best satellite internet provider in your area is the right decision for the family.
6. Can Get Faster Internet Speeds Elsewhere
Technology is evolving quickly and so is the need for faster speeds. Heavy internet use households often need faster speeds and better bandwidth to all coexist on the same network. Not all internet providers can accommodate this with a higher tiered internet plan, so families make the switch to a provider who can.
7. Found Low Rates Elsewhere
Finding a provider with a cheaper plan can save a good chunk of change month over month. Say your internet plan costs $59.99 a month now, but you find a plan with similar speeds for $49.99 a month. That’s an extra $10 a month or $120 dollars a year in your pocket you could put to better use somewhere else.
8. Has Experienced Terrible Customer Service
No one really wants to have to call customer service, but when they do, they expect their problem to get resolved in a professional and timely manner. A negative customer service experience can leave a bad taste in the customer’s mouth that they won’t soon forget. It’s one of the leading reasons why customers switch to a different provider.
9. A New Internet Provider Came Into Town
If you’re a lucky resident of a city with incoming fiber internet services, you’ll know by seeing their trucks on your street. Some providers go as far to set up a tent and canvas the neighborhood to let residents know they have a new option for internet service.
This doesn’t happen too often because installing new infrastructure is astoundingly expensive, but when a new and better internet provider comes into town it’s not surprising to find people switching right at launch of the new service.
You can also check to see of new technology has brought different options to your area. For example, in rural areas with mostly slow DLS and satellite Internet service, you may now have 4G/5G wireless internet available to you.
10. Moving To A New Home
So you’ve bought a new home or rented a new apartment; congratulations! Even if you’ve only moved across town, your current internet provider might not be available at your new address. This is a time when people are forced to shop around because they have no other choice.