Technology and budgeting – how to get a combination that works?

Whether you are a tech geek or use technology because it became a regular part of our lives, sooner or later you see more to it than just having the newest edition or simply faster way to call someone. There are so many free apps you can use to make your own life more comfortable.

From ones that help you learn a new language faster, to ones that can help you manage your budget, or even do trading! While thinking about the latest thing that came out and when to purchase, why not take some time to download an app that will help you with budgeting? Even apps can find discounts for you, and what is better than saving some money when you least expect it? You cannot deny it can be useful and it's much faster than when you had to cut out or collect coupons from the newspapers (older generations will remember). We present you with a simple guide on how technology can help you with your spendings and savings, and how to do it the right way, especially if you like shopping or saving more money. Let's begin!

First things first

Setting a budget is the first thing you will need to do to start on the right foot. Having a specific financial goal is crucial, whether you are using technology or not. Determine how much money you want and put aside for shopping, and then see what needs to be done with the rest of the budget. If a mishap happens, don't give up on your first try. That's why it's the best to set a specific amount per week if you tend to overspend a lot, or a month if you are not that hard to handle. It's handy to know how much money you can spend freely (on what you like, on going out, buying tech) since it will be easier to control the rest of the budget. If you are eager to buy something over the line you set, you should wait until you accumulate enough to buy it. In the meanwhile, the price can get a bit lower, and maybe you'll find a discount, and voila! You will save a bit more without it affecting your budget immensely.

Joined (app) accounts

Many budgeting apps offer shared funds if you are trying to set a budget with a family member or a partner. This means you can select the app to see how much your partner has spent, on what and vice versa. From our experience, the best would be for both of you to set a certain amount of money you share (for food, rent, etc.) and then monitor that amount of money together. Apps can help a lot when it comes to budgeting. The essentials are what matter in this case, and what you do with the rest is on you and what we wrote above is more for you alone.

Discount Codes

We were suspicious of this at first, but apps like Honey can really find great deals and discounts at the checkout when you are shopping online, as an example. Signing up and following your favourite shops can offer you discounts as well, so keep your email notifications on! If you see it immediately, you can save money and often get free shipping and a gift.


If one website offers a specific price for an item, that doesn't mean you cannot find it cheaper and keep the quality. Check out Google shopping or even Facebook pages to see if the item you are looking for sells for a lower price. It doesn't matter if it's only a couple of dollars - in the long run, you will save up a lot if you go with this logic. If you decide you don't want to save those few bucks, at least you have a "free" coffee, now you got the discount.

In conclusion

It's easy to lose track of spending when everything is happening quickly thanks to technology - purchasing with a card, online. You lose the sense of how much money you have. That's why budgeting apps are great since they make you login your expenses and keep yourself in check.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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