What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of VoIP

You may know what VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is, business VoIP pricing, and how it works but are you aware of all the advantages and disadvantages that come along with this technology? This blog particularly focuses on various pros and cons of VoIP that one must be aware of.


Below are the advantages of VoIP:

  • Fewer costs:

For a business or an organization, it is very important to look for every possible cost-saving way. The chief advantage of using VoIP is it can help reduce phone bills at your place. Yes! You heard it right. It can lower your phone by more than half price. Though it’s not a guarantee because this directly depends on the needs of the business. But one thing that you can be sure of after switching to VoIP, not plummet but there would be significant cost-savings.

  • Portability:

Another benefit that VoIP offers is complete portability. This means that you can have the same number wherever you go. This is a lot convincing for people who travel often. You can easily make calls from any corner of the globe.

  • Enhanced Voice Quality:

VoIP provides clear and crisp voice calls, as long as you don’t have any issue with your internet. There’ll be no problems like disturbance during the calls, call dropouts or miserable voice quality. VoIP takes care of the unwanted interruptions so that you can focus well on your phone calls. With significant innovations like noise-cancelling microphones and so forth, VoIP provides high-quality services.

  • Increased security:

Security and confidentiality are the main concern for any company/business/organization. They may compromise with other factors to a limit, but in the case of security, no company wants to take any risk. A phone’s security is definitely a big deal. But when you’re switching to VoIP you don’t need to worry about your phone’s security. One of the main threats includes fraud calls to trick the staff but VoIP lowers such risk with the help of advancements made in the IP technology. Encryption, accessibility, and identity management are a few techniques that VoIP uses to ensure security and assure you that you’re working with a trustworthy network.

  • Multitasking:

Like the traditional phone calls, with VoIP, you can simultaneously send images, documents, and videos while you’re engaged in a phone call.


Below are the disadvantages of VoIP:

  • Need for reliable internet connection:

There’s no doubt in the fact that VoIP works fine only when you have a stable Internet connection. If you’re having any connection with less bandwidth then you may need to compromise with the VoIP services as it would suffer due to a bad network. You can run a quick bandwidth test on your current network to know what exact bandwidth you need for your business. By doing this, you’ll have an idea of the required bandwidth for the business and VoIP.

  • Limited Location tracking for Emergency calls:

Another con you’re going to face if you use VoIP is limited location tracking. It is difficult to locate the origination point of the call due to the portability and accessibility of VoIP.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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