Videos are the preferred way of communicating, and you only need to look at the vastly expanding subscription numbers to streaming sites over the past few years to know this is true. Video creates a sensory experience, where nuance, sound, timing a colour can be used in combination to reel in an audience, and communicate the full value of the video message in a multi-sensory way.
The Role of Animation in Building Businesses
Far from just being a lead generation tool, the humble animated video has become a pivotal part of the communication arsenal that keeps businesses alive.
The showreel that an animation video company makes available to their clients is far more important than their business card. Nothing speaks louder than the work itself, and if what you see is not aligned with what you would like your business to say, keep looking.
You only have one shot to hit the audience as hard as you can – even if you do follow up the initial video with another, the first one is what will stay in people’s minds.
Make sure that your production company understands the nuances around formats and resolutions for different platforms. Creating effective digital communication with your audience relies on a host of factors such as these, and if any component falls flat, the project will be a waste.
For this reason, it is worth your while to pay for a fully customised video. Videos that make use of production templates and stock footage may be quicker to produce, but their production integrity will be lacking. If your production company is unable to create animation video productions that seamlessly communicate what you have to say in an authentic way, they might not be the right option for you.
What Makes a Video Good or Bad?
Poor or badly drawn graphics, poor audio mixing, loud and overbearing voice-overs, excessive transitions and effects, unwarranted repetition and not flowing logically are all aspects of a video that is not only unpleasant to watch, but can make the audience watching it feel awkward. Promotion Hire deliver equipment solutions for all creative industries.
Compare that to a click, well-produced video, that makes effective use of music, an appropriate voice-over, a good storyline and a clean editing style, and difference is clear. A video that leaves you not even considering the production value at all, is a good video.
What do I Want from My Animation Video Production Services?
If you are able to find a company that is ethically and creatively aligned with your own company’s values, you are likely to have a far more streamlined time of things. Someone who understands where you’re coming from will be better able to grasp your corporate aesthetics, style, and level of communication.
If the agency understands the look and feel of your brand, they will be more equipped to accurately convey it. It is a definite bonus if the company you choose has experience in your kind of industry, as this will help them to better understand what you are trying to communicate.