8 Tips to Help You Choose the Best Solar Consulting Firms

Selecting the best solar consulting firm makes the difference between reaping your solar power investment and regretting the move.

Hence, it's crucial to examine a solar consulting company thoroughly to find the most suitable one for your needs.   

Below are useful tips to help you choose the best solar consulting firm:

1. Know the Solar Company Type

There are different types of solar companies you might engage with while going solar. It's essential to know their differences, so you understand what to expect from their services. See them below:

Solar Panel Equipment Manufacturers

These companies create the solar equipment that enables installing a solar PV system in your residence or business. They produce the physical solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, crucial for installers to trade to personal solar buyers.

Solar Panel Installation Companies

You'd be conversing with solar panel installation companies primarily as you acquire your solar energy. They get solar panels and various vital units necessary for installing your panels from the manufacturers. Via their professionals, a solar panel installation company handles the panel installation on your roof.

Moreover, they establish the manufacturer's photovoltaic panels. Solar installers first execute a site assessment before the installation of the solar panels. The installers will ascertain if your system needs any individual attention.

Solar Financing Companies

These companies only offer financing options to enable homes and businesses to acquire funds to purchase solar energy. Usually, they collaborate with solar installation companies and solar dealers.

Solar Panel Dealers

These dealers have the approval to sell particular solar products from the manufacturers. Solar panel dealers concentrate on the production, development, and trading of equipment. There are solar panel dealers with a unique installation team, while other solar panel dealers outsource the installation to secondary parties. 

Full-Service Solar Providers

These companies ensure that your solar is ready for use. They trade panels, provide financing, some necessary equipment, and also execute the installation. The full-service solar providers oversee your solar installation process from the production phase to its installation on your top.

2. Get a Local Company

The second vital tip to enable you to choose the best solar energy consulting firm is to go local. There are many advantages to choosing a firm that resides where you live and gets involved in your community.

Usually, they are particular about their reputation so are more liable to provide an excellent service. Also, you may want to go for BCSC- solar energy consulting firm if you’re LA-based. That way, you can be sure of working with a local company. A real, local corporation has a vast understanding of their local guidelines.

Moreover, another advantage of going local is if you ever have any issues after their installation, they can promptly respond to your concern.

3. Acquire Various Quotes from Different Solar Companies

Two solar companies might not charge you the same for your solar installation. Plus, there are various billing systems a company may use in billing you. However, the most common and straightforward structure is cost-per-watt. Your selected solar firm should charge you a flat rate based on your system size. 

Usually, solar consulting firms make an appointment to visit your home to determine the correct price. You can inquire about any questions the firm may not have answered during such a visit. They can include:

  • Do you possess the permits imposed by my city and state?
  • How many panels would be enough for my home considering my energy usage monthly?
  • Do you give a warranty?
  • If you do, what does it contain?

4. Select a Solar Firm with Proficiency

Get a firm with a skilled installer. You can achieve this feat by checking if the company has passed the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) test and possess a minimum of 2-years of hands-on experience in its specialty.

Generally, the sales consultant doesn't have the NABCEP certification. However, a staff or technician of the company should have full accreditation. Moreover, if the NABCEP certification is unavailable to evaluate their experience, the certificate may not be crucial in specific circumstances.

5. Check That the Solar Company is Insured or Licensed

Your energy management consulting firm should possess the necessary business licenses and insurance policies. They should even have C-10 permission, which is the expected electrical contractor's license. This licensing is essential to ensure that they are competent to oversee your system's wiring and electrical aspects. 

The ideal licenses your solar installer must hold include electrician, home performance contracting, or home improvement licenses. Additionally, installers must possess the usual liability insurance and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) certification.

6. Evaluate their Past Performances

The solar energy industry is a thriving industry that attracts specialists from numerous backgrounds. Therefore locating a skilled solar panel installer with years of experience and smooth work history may be quite tasking but has excellent benefit. Confirm that your solar consulting firm can complete the project and would be helpful with their post-panel installation service. Moreover, your solar provider should present and show you past systems they have installed for other patrons.

7. Assess their Credibility and Reputation

A company's reputation is everything when deciding to work with them. The most practical way to assess a solar firm's reputation involves engaging their former clients or checking their previous works.

Check Solar Reviews, Google, and EnergySage to investigate your selected solar installer's reputation and credibility. Try to see if there are common customer complaints in their reviews; this would mean that you should hire a different installer.

8. Evaluate their Warranty and Maintenance Skills

The workmanship warranty covers all the issues that may occur due to inappropriate installation. Therefore if a panel arrives loose, the cost of repair wouldn't fall on you.

Moreover, renewable energy consulting firms give various warranties from one to twenty-five years of coverage. Nonetheless, be aware of baby companies presenting lengthy warranties of decades to make sales. There is usually no assurance that they'll function for that long.

So if a firm offers a lengthy warranty, ensure that they have a substantial history in the solar industry and have what it takes to fulfill their warranty. By following each of these tips, whether you choose the top 10 energy consulting firms or not, you'll reap the benefits of installing a solar panel in your home or business.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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