What once looked farfetched is now very much with us. The medical world has made tremendous leaps and bounds in technology, trying to improve many lives. With the combined efforts of tech companies and research institutes, amazing medical technology has been created. The cherry on top is that these inventions look a little bit familiar to the movie lovers out there. Here are four that you might have seen on screen.
Robotic surgery
Countless sci-fi movies have this concept, from Ender's Game to Prometheus. These movies feature robots performing cutting-edge surgery procedures on patients. This concept which once looked quixotic is now a reality. More hospitals, as they acquire their medical equipment, also procure medical robots.
One huge advantage of using robots for operations is that they are completely sterile. Even the smallest of infections can pose huge risks if left untreated, which is why using robots can help cut down the risk to the hospital and the patient alike.
Even complex surgeries where multiple robots are needed can be easily operated by one. This means less work for staff members representing less time is lost, making operations run smoothly.
Robots don't just perform surgeries but also can provide support. They can help with any number of tasks, including administering and controlling IV fluids from an IV pole, lifting a patient, feeding them, and checking their blood pressure.
They can also move around sick patients that cannot care for themselves, which can greatly help the operation run much more smoothly. People cannot carry out some operations, and robots are perfect for these situations.
The Terminator film series introduced the world to the possibility of tiny medical gadgets that are programmed to help the body heal. This system uses synthetic nanomaterials and devices that are tailored to serve any medical need that they may have.
These nanomaterials are designed to penetrate and perform their functions exactly as the human body needs them. Their nano-materialization allows them to work extremely quickly in an environment that would otherwise be impossible for them to function without the proper devices.
One of the greatest advantages of using medical nanotechnology is that it allows us to focus on healing faster and more efficiently than we are currently utilizing. It allows us to treat the disease faster and with less pain than what we are currently doing.
The other great advantage is what these nanomaterials give you; you can use them in almost any medical area. For instance, many people use these medical nanotechnology advances to create new drugs, new treatments, or even tissue engineering that could be used in many areas.
Another thing about this amazing technology is that it will work with any disease and allow for total healing. Thus, many doctors are using this type of medical device and traditional medicine to help patients recover from any medical ailment that they may be suffering from.
Medical tricorder
Star Wars fans, grab a seat because the medical tricorder is here. Medical tricorder technology integrates different technological elements and electronic medical records into a single electronic device that can diagnose and monitor diseases and ailments in several ways.
The first electronic medical tricorder was designed around 1894 in Chicago, Illinois by Rev. Joseph A. Roebuck. It included a diaphragm and a camera that took a picture of whatever was in the patient's mouth. It lacked today's technology, and because of its primitive design, it was somewhat difficult to use and read.
Today, tricorders can perform more than just taking a picture of what's in a patient's mouth. They can also detect lumps in the neck or under the arm and can even diagnose a sinus infection.
The greatest advantage of recorders is that they can be used in places where doctors normally have to go, without requiring them to become physically present. Using the tricorder, patients can record their tests' results right away and view the findings on their personal computer or iPhone.
Bioprinting machine
The Fifth Element, Western World, and Dark Man have all a life-size bioprinter that can print human organs and full-sized human beings (human clones).
While the medical world has not reached the point of replicating a whole human being, skin tissue has been successfully generated and grafted onto patients. The 3D printers for organs are the next generation of digital printers, which are generally smaller than normal printers.
According to Wyss Institute at Harvard University, these new technologies have given medical professionals the ability to save more lives as they will soon be able to generate the much-needed organs for countless people on the donor list.
Real-life medical devices inspired by science fiction continue to find new applications every day. Whether you're looking for a hearing aid that doubles as a telescope or a defibrillator that can be plugged into an electronic drum, sci-fi products will continue to be developed, and maybe it will be for the greater good.