Technology is constantly advancing, working to enhance the way healthcare is provided, as well as improve health outcomes and patient satisfaction, all while reducing costs and spending. What innovations are most likely to help us achieve these goals and change healthcare in the 2020s? Obviously, no one can precisely predict the future, but we still can prompt speculations based on inventions and concepts that we are witnessing today, such as artificial intelligence (AI), big data, robotics and so on.
AI in Healthcare
Artificial Intelligence is rapidly becoming a remarkably powerful and influential tool in the healthcare industry. AI-powered solutions for healthcare are fast, accurate, and are able to analyze massive amounts of medical data. The promise of AI in healthcare is tremendous, starting with ensuring the highest quality of care at an affordable price. AI is expected to revolutionize healthcare in the upcoming decade, an increase in diagnostic capabilities, predicting disease at earlier stages, tailored treatment strategies and access to a host of health records are just some of the potential benefits.
Virtual Reality
When we hear the words "virtual reality," we imagine people wearing big, funky headsets and playing video games. However, when applied in healthcare, virtual reality can be potentially beneficial in various medical fields. As we all know, Virtual Reality uses computer technology to create a realistic environment for its users. First off, VR is gaining huge popularity in being used for education of med students, especially future surgeons. Training is a huge part of developing knowledge and understanding of the human body. Advances in VR present a new quality of surgical training, like accessing areas of the body that are perhaps almost impossible to reach. Moreover, VR is also being introduced to treat anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Drone-delivered medical supplies
The healthcare industry is known for being particularly resistant to change, But the Covid-19 pandemic has prompted us to become more nimble, adaptable and innovative in how to solve complex challenges. One of the “COVID-born” new additions to healthcare are drone deliveries and they are becoming more and more common. Fast delivery of vaccines, medicines and supplies could simplify the lives of healthcare professionals significantly, as well as prevent outbreaks of life-threatening diseases. In the future, we will see more home-based care and drone delivery of medications, antibiotics and supplies can make it much easier and safer. Likewise, when performing check-ups for home patients, blood can be immediately sent by drone to the lab to be tested.
The biggest Big Data
Millions of people track their health with wearables like smart watches, or more traditional devices like blood-pressure monitors. If there were a way to aggregate all that data to make it all searchable, but anonymous, medical researchers would have an all-encompassing tool for drug development, lifestyle studies and more. Using big data analytics, healthcare providers will be able to provide personalized treatment options for patients based on latest research and statistics. Some hospitals have already started taking advantage of big data analytics to make quicker and more precise diagnoses and even find the appropriate treatment options almost immediately. Get healthcare software solution from HealthTECH Resources.
3-D Artificial Organs
Organ transplants have always been a highly in-demand healthcare service. For many diseases, transplantation is unfortunately the only available treatment. But healthy organs are hard to come by, therefore scientists are looking for other alternatives. Latest innovations of 3D printing in healthcare have led to safer products, higher quality and reduced costs. 3D printing is still in the early stages of development but its impact in the medical field is already obvious. For instance, scientists have printed a 3D heart using human tissues that even includes vessels, collagen and biological components. Since it was printed using human cells, it reduces the possibility of being rejected by the human body. 3D-printed organs can undoubtedly have considerable implications in healthcare and can save millions of lives.
A look to the future
Technological innovation will continue to dramatically transform the way in which healthcare is delivered, resulting in more personalized care, enhanced health outcomes, patient experience, and overall quality of life. Momentous changes are about to shake up the healthcare landscape in the next decade, which will influence patients, health insurers and providers. To embrace technological innovation, we must be educated and aware of the expanding healthcare technology. After all, the best way to predict the future is to be a part of it.