What Javascript Experts Should Know

When hiring a javascript expert, they obviously must be familiar with the field. Understanding javascript is one thing, but there are a variety of other factors to consider. Do you know what kind of knowledge they should possess? Here is a selection of what every javascript developer should know. When you’re hiring a JS expert, you should be able to make an informed decision on who is best suited for your project.

Core Aspects of Javascript

You hire an expert because you want professionals who can assist with your project with their experience. When it comes to JS developers, you expect proficiency in the JS language. Any developer should not only be familiar with how to code javascript and powerful language features but also to be skilled in the key areas such as:

  • Closure
  • Hoisting
  • Prototypes
  • Memory Management
  • Promises
  • Understanding Scope
  • ES6
  • Concurrency model and the event loop
  • Regular expression

Wider Development Knowledge

While, of course, JS is the focus, every coder must be also familiar with other skills, apps and languages related to development. For example, they should be versed in the basics of HTML and CSS.

This way, they can undertake more complex tasks, such as support for mobile devices. Experience with React, Ruby, Cake PHP, Asp.net., Node. Js. and other popular frameworks also would be an advantage, but the exact skill list mostly depends on the project.

Senior and Junior Developers and Stacks

You should consider what level developer you need. What senior Javascript developers should know differs from the knowledge of juniors or mid-level specialists. Seniors are proficient not only in the critical aspects of the language but with server-side rendering, development of any real-time network applications and Node. Js. framework for API development.

If you need to build a project from scratch, a more senior developer is required, but if you have an already developed stack, a mid or even entry-level developer should be sufficient. If you are going to use more Junior developers, make sure they can work with your current stack, while most mid-level JS developers should be able to work with your project framework regardless of what type of stack you have.

What are javascript developer tools?

There are many essential tools JS developers need to use: for debugging, examining the quality of nodes, diagnosing bugs, and performing QA analysis. Developers may utilise task runners, module bundlers, tools which manage asynchronous code, code linters and formatters, package managers, etc.

Assembling a Team

When building a development team, it is crucial first to make a needs assessment, where the specific requirements for a project are identified. This way, you will be able to create a dedicated team with the required expertise properly. By hiring a dedicated team, you can best harness the skill sets needed for any development project, perfectly tailored to your needs.


Hiring software developers can be challenging. The success of your project depends on many factors, including the qualifications and skills of the candidate. But with adequate preparation, it is possible to streamline the process and make the right choice.

Author: Admin

Admin is a professional blogger and digital marketer at 99techpost. She writes about Digital Marketing, Technology, WordPress, SEO, Web Design and Development . You can also follow us on facebook & twitter. Feel free to contact us if you have any queries.

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